School Info
Code Changes

School/Location is required.
 DSC Maxsys  Alliance
Intrusion type required.
Moose type intrusion system code changes are no longer supported as of SY22-23.
First name is required.
Last Name is required.
Last four of SSN is required. Enter last four digits of your SSN
Enter numbers only.
{{ errormessage }}
School Location: {{loccode}} - {{locname}}
Phone Extension: {{extension}}
Intrusion System Type: {{systemtype}}
First Name: {{fname}}
Last Name: {{lname}}
Warning: By checking this box you are requesting that every code at your site be removed and replaced. If this was not your intent please uncheck the box and continue to fill in the User Numbers you would like replaced. If you would like all the codes removed please leave the box check and submit the form. Security Systems personnel will contact you to schedule the total refresh of codes at your site.
Enter numbers only. User # not more than 3 characters.
  • {{ x }}
Explanation Required. Limit to 1000 Characters.

Please Wait...

Your requests has been submitted to Security Systems. An email has been sent to {{user_email}} and to the site administrator for confirmation.

Please wait for a secondary email upon completion.

If you need further assistance you may contact our helpdesk during normal business hours 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM at (702) 799-1048.

An error has occured. We are unable to record the requests at this time. Please contct Helpdesk during normal business hours 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM at (702) 799-1048..
× Alarm Code Change Request DSC Maxsys Moose Alliance
× Milestone TruNav / GeNav Misc Docs Security Systems RS
× Alarm Code Change Request Tutorial